Bumblebee Conservation Trust – Providing sustainable printing to save the bumblebee

Bumblebees need help. The population of bumblebees across the UK has experienced an alarming decline over the last century, with sadly two known species already extinct. Bumblebees are essential to our crop pollination, and without them, our entire ecosystem and food production is at risk.

The Bumblebee Conservation Trust, established in 2006, is the only organisation of its kind in the UK solely focused on rectifying this plight. With their science-led approach, the charity’s goal is to increase the number and distribution of bumblebees in the UK and to create a world where they are thriving and valued.

The organisation’s Engagement team, is developing innovative ways through events and campaigns to raise awareness and bring about much-needed change. Senior Communications Officer, Helen King—working with the wider team—was looking for a sustainable and budget-friendly print fulfilment solution and approached Pressplus to see what we could do.

“Gaining public support and influencing government policy requires a tremendous amount of communication and educational materials,” explains Helen. “We needed to be consistent and produce a wide range of content. I’d worked with Phil, Managing Director of Pressplus, many years ago when I was based at a large bank, so when I asked the company for advice on our printing, they were happy to help.”

“We had our own designers and artworkers and, in the beginning had an ad-hoc tender process,” Helen continues. “We’re a charity so funding and budgets have to be considered. As a conservation charity, everything we do must be managed in a sustainable way with minimal environmental impact. We needed a print supplier who could advise us on the best options and adapt with us as we grew.”

“Like many organisations, print requirements come from multiple divisions. Pressplus created an online ordering portal for the Trust, so staff could directly order only what they needed for events. The portal holds all our core engagement marketing materials, such as leaflets, business cards and posters,” says Helen. “Staff log into the portal, place their order and Pressplus prints and ships directly. Everything is streamlined and it’s really improved financial oversight. It’s a good system, and easy for everyone to use.”

Pressplus also has careful oversight of the paper stock and print supplies. All the materials we use for the Bumblebee Conservation Trust are printed on FSC paper, and we’re active members of the Woodland Trust’s Carbon Capture program which helps to regenerate new habitat, something that the Bumblebees desperately need.

“Pressplus has been amazing. They are so passionate about what they do and it overspills—helping us on our journey to do the right thing.”